Submit an anonymous tip and you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.00. Tips received by CrimeStoppers help investigators, by providing information that they may not already have on Felony crimes like Homicides, assaults, robberies and more. Please note not all tips will result in a felony arrest(s) and non felony arrests are not eligible for rewards.
St. Louis CrimeStoppers Statistics.
Below are the most recent statistics for the St. Louis regional program for the recent year: UPDATING
- Arrests Made:
- Cases Cleared:
- Rewards paid:
- Reward money paid out:
- Drugs Seized:
- Guns Seized:
Ways To Help
Submit a Crime Tip
Know of recent criminal activity? Submit an anonymous tip and you could receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.
CALL 1 (866) 371-8477SUBMIT ONLINE
Suggest a Vacant Property
Recommend an abandoned building for assessment and demolition to help prevent illegal activities.
Suggest a Property